Blog Two: Are you Learning?

It’s such a simple question. Are you still learning? Not necessarily in an educational sense but more so how do react after failure? Do you fall apart and question your existence, do you keep trying, or do you analyze the situation to determine the root of your futility? Are you emboldened with an incessant drive for growth or are you deeply entrenched in self pity and sadomasochism? These are clearly contrasting methodologies depicting the spectrum in which we typically react. Essentially, there’s a million ways to move forward including not moving at all. Most of us fall into this category, motionless. Folded into submission, subdued, and tamed. Are you still learning? What happened to who you wanted to be?

Don’t go another day without committing to who you know you should be, who God called you to be. Answer the call. We should strive to be like Peter and faithfully push our boat into the water no matter how scared, tired, or wary we are. You already have the greatest gift in Jesus. There is never a reason to worry. If HE brings you to it, HE brings you through it.

God Bless,

Jordan Martinez


Blog Three: Be the Light


Blog One: Why Centered?