Blog One: Why Centered?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, centralizing your faith gives you the foundation and stability needed to achieve your goals. The idea for Centered had been implanted in my brain for a while, but like most of us I kept pushing it off to focus on MY goals. It’s funny how we ask God for answers and a clear path and then turn away from it when it comes. Sometimes it takes a strong push to get your eyes in the right direction. Thankfully, our God is a persistent God. Centering Jesus Christ in your day-to-day isn’t easy and it takes cognitive effort, but when implemented you will become a more decisive, impactful leader and person. We have a tendency to look at our lives through a myopic lens. Quick to forget the great things that happened yesterday or we overlook the amazing things currently happening. This veil will develop depression, fatigue, jealousy, and can cause you to question your existence and God’s plan. It’s paramount we stay above the proverbial “weeds” and keep focused on Jesus Christ. By doing this, we avoid the daily traps of humanity and stay steadfast in our faith, strengthening our foundation.

With Love,

Jordan Martinez


Blog Two: Are you Learning?